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1)    The Angel Gabriel appeared to Zacharia in the temple ‘Holy of Holies’ to announce the birth of John the Baptist.

2)    The Angel Gabriel, six months later, appeared to Mary to announce the birth of Jesus.

3)    The angel Gabriel appeared to Joseph in a dream, to inform him that he should marry Mary because the child in her womb was by the Holy Spirit.

4)    Mary went to visit Elizabeth to confirm what Angel Gabriel told her about Elizabeth’s pregnancy.

5)    The Emperor Augustus decreed a census which compelled Joseph and Mary to travel to Bethlehem

6)    Mary delivered Jesus in a manger, in Bethlehem, because there was no vacancy for them in any guest house.

7)    Angels appeared to some shepherds that night, to announce the birth of Jesus. This prompted them to visit Jesus and pay homage to him.

8)    Jesus was dedicated to God on the eighth day in the Temple where Simeon and Annas blessed Him.

9)    Wise men from the East detected a strange star that indicated the birth of a special King. So they were decided to travel to Jerusalem to confirm their speculation.

10)The wise men’s visit to Herod’s place in search of the king of the Jews alerted Herod to what led to infanticide in Bethlehem.

11)The wise men found Jesus in Bethlehem and gave Him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

12) Joseph was alerted in his dream to emigrate to Egypt to avoid the wrath of Herod while the wise were alerted in their dream not to return to Herod’s palace. Jesus was thereby saved from the wrath of Herod.

Alejandro Riquelme